Hello, I hope you’re well! I wanted to give an update on the whole moving-to-Spain situation, but these things take time (it seems) so there isn’t much to update, except perhaps to rather proudly announce that I’ve reached the gold league in my Spanish lessons on Duolingo. For those that don’t know, Duolingo is an app that tricks gullible people into learning a language by getting them to compete in imaginary leagues with computer generated fake people. But still, gold league…

Anyway, what I really wanted to do, is give an update on writing.

Those of you who follow my writing closely (and you never know, there might be someone) will know my last published book was called The Cove (it’s out now on Amazon), and that I’ve been writing a sequel to this called The Pool (available for pre-order now, but maybe keep reading this before you smash that buy button). I did manage to write about 60,000 words of The Pool, before the whole moving-to-Spain idea kicked in, and distracted me. I’m rather easily distracted it seems.

But then, when I got my focus back, my daughter mentioned something over her breakfast cereal which got me very excited, so I downed tools on The Pool, and began working on a brand-new novel. And last week I finished it (or the first draft at least). And… it’s good. Or at least, I think it’s good.

It’s a bit different* from what I’ve written before, in that it’s a ghost story, or it might be a ghost story. It’s about a ten-year-old boy, Gale, who ‘sees’ his sister even though she was abducted and murdered two years previously. Her killer was never caught, and his relationship with her ‘ghost’ becomes so strong, that the two of them decide they’ve going to work together to catch whoever it was.

The idea is that the reader is never quite sure whether the ghost of Gale’s sister is real, or if everything is a figment of his imagination. I’ve tried to tell the story in such a way that both scenarios stay possible and plausible throughout. It’s also a mystery thriller, in that you need to keep reading to find out who the killer is (and there’s a good twist), but then on top of this, there’s what I hope is a very poignant element – the sadness the boy feels about his lost sister, his joy at having her back, and the growing awareness that if ‘they’ are successful in the quest, it will mean she is finally able to slip away for ever.

I’ve always found when I’ve written a book, that I can’t tell if it’s any good or not, but with this one I do feel it’s quite powerful (I confess to being in floods of tears writing the ending – but that might just mean I’m very wet). But anyway, I liked it enough as I was writing, that I toyed with the idea of trying to publish it in a different way. When I got started as a writer I didn’t bother trying to get an agent and a publisher in the traditional route, but I always thought I might try at some point – and I considered if this is the one I should give it a go with.

But then I heard about the success of Brandon Sanderson on Kickstarter. If you’re not aware, he’s a well-known fantasy author who used the fundraising website Kickstarter to announce that he had written four surprise books, and which has since raised over $38,000,000 (yes, thirty-eight million dollars) selling them direct through that site. Yes, it will probably lead to every author everywhere rushing to Kickstarter, and I’ve missed the boat, but it made me realise that there are a number of other possibilities to consider when publishing a new book these days, and that maybe I should consider shaking things up a bit.

So I thought I’d ask you. This isn’t going to be definitive, and I still have to dive back into the writing for the second draft before I do anything, but I thought I could let you know about the book, and ask how you’d prefer to see it published, in one handy email. Should I publish the book on Amazon? Or try something else? And if so, which route would you prefer? I’ve given three options below as links, and I’ve be super grateful if you could click the one you’d like to see.

Thank you! My tech-savvy doesn’t run to embedding a poll into an email, so these links all end up on my website, and from if you wanted to add a comment, then please do – I’d be really interested to hear your thoughts.

Actually, on that subject I feel I have an apology to give. Most of the time when I’ve sent out emails like this, I’ve done my best to reply to everyone that took the time to write back. But for the last few emails I haven’t, and I’ve been feeling a bit guilty about it. I promise this isn’t because I don’t care anymore, but simply because it’s got a bit overwhelming (and maybe a bit because I’ve become obsessed with Duolingo – but that’s in a good cause!)

Anyway, I hope you’re coping well with the madness of planet Earth today, and I’ll write soon (I hope) with an update on project move-to-Spain. Oh – and I promise I will return to The Pool too and get that done, so feel free to smash that button now!

*Albeit yes, I do see the similarities with a certain other ten year old boy! Maybe a bit of my brain never quite grew up…

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