Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to email or post on my news about the upcoming launch of Burning Boat. I read every single one of them, and I continue to be slightly amazed and hugely delighted that so many people are reading my books (and liking them)! It really does help to keep me sitting at the keyboard, especially when I get a bit stuck and can’t see a way forward. Thank you.

Thanks also to everyone who pointed out I can’t spell ‘especially’. 🙂

We did have a fantastic time at the weekend, a kind of extended birthday weekend. We were camping in a field behind Kimmeridge Bay in Dorset, which is one of my favourite places in the world, and somewhere I’ve been to many times. But I have to say I’ve never seen it quite so perfect. The water was so clear we could see down through maybe 15 metres of water and see the bottom perfectly. And it was warm enough to swim all day without getting cold. My daughter Alba spent hours on her paddleboard, which is new for her. Rafa loved clambering over the rocks and discovering crabs (the things you find in rockpools huh?). Somehow neither I nor Maria managed to take a single photograph, which I take as a good sign that for once we were living more in the moment. It doesn’t happen very often.

I realise this current run of good weather isn’t good news for farmers, and is quite possibly an indicator for the growing threat to the climate of the planet, but it sure makes a nice change from the normal dull, grey summers we’re used to. These pics aren’t from Kimmeridge, where we camped this weekend but from an evening BBQ trip. But the weather was similar.

Thanks again for all your kind wishes, I’ll keep you updated on the book’s progress through editing and when it’ll be out.


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