The Interview that never was…

As we all know these are unusual times, so last week I decided to combine my new home-schooling duties with the need to do something to promote this month’s launch of The Appearance of Mystery (the third book in the Rockpools series). The idea was for our eight year...

Pre-order Rockpools 2 now…

I have news. My new book The Lornea Island Detective Club (the sequel to The Things you find in Rockpools) will be released at some point in the next few weeks and is available to pre-order now. All the early feedback has been pleasingly positive and we’re just doing...

The Girl on the Burning Boat Audiobook

Very pleased to announce that the audiobook version of my latest novel The Girl on the Burning Boat is now available on Amazon. You can listen right here, and if you’re new to audiobooks, you can also listen to it free! (You do have to sign up to Audible for a trail...


Just a quick note to say a huge thank you to everyone who took the time to email or post on my news about the upcoming launch of Burning Boat. I read every single one of them, and I continue to be slightly amazed and hugely delighted that so many people are reading my...

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